Archive for May, 2010

by Megan Clouse There is a new and promising report that was recently published giving hope to a new method of eradicating cancer tumors; specifically breast cancer!  It’s easy to get our hopes up for treatments, but I have strong hopes for this up and coming technology, because it really makes sense! “The University of […]

by Megan Clouse Having mentors and role models in our lives are an important ingredient to keeping our lives on track and the same holds very true when faced with cancer.   When I was diagnosed, I latched onto the strength and successful outcomes of Lance Armstrong, Christina Applegate and Sheryl Crow and their health and […]

Stylish wedding garter designer, The Garter Girl by Julianne Smith, and wedding blog, Snippet & Ink, teamed up to design two very special wedding garters that will benefit women all over the world. The proceeds from these two stylish wedding garters will be donated to The Pink Initiative. The first wedding garter design is ivory, […]